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Can You Trust Movies and TV Age Ratings?

Author: Daniela Izco

Age ratings can create a lot of arguments, there’s people that say you can rely on them and people who think and say the opposite.

One thing that’s definitely true is that age ratings have changed over the years. In the 80’s and 90’s the movies were rated a lot more strictly. 

For some people it is more realistic now from what it was back then for others it isn’t. Whatever you think, you have to agree there are good points to both side, for some people children are too informed about the things that happen around them and in movies and TV shows and that can encourage or influence them to do bad things. There’s also another way to look at it and that is that it’s good that children are informed of what’s happening around them and in movies and TV shows so they can expect certain things and not be scared of them when they face them in real life.

I have given you good points of both of the sides, now you have to be the judge.

Whatever side you are on I think it’s a good idea for you, the parent or guardian, to see the show and find out what it’s actually about because you are the only one who knows what you want your child to see and not to see.

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