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DSKarneval – Vuka Ukhanye (Wake up; Rise`n shine)

Dear DSK-family

Next year you and your kids (our learners) will have the unique opportunity to be part of a really extraordinary community- and school project! Please take the time to read this letter, and be able to become an active participant of the Cape Town Carnival Parade held annually in March in Green Point. Please take note that all of these activities are strictly voluntary. No one should feel obliged to be get involved, especially because a participation will not only take time but also require some financial involvement. Whoever does not want to be part of this carnival does not have to be! <- Watch this video about the carnival

The organisers will however only accept our group/a formation of the DSK, if we reach the critical threshold of 50 participants (learners, parents, teachers, member of staff), who meet/adhere to the following criteria:

1.)For safety reasons, the organisers require your ID-number and other personal details (t.b.c.).

2.)You and your child should attend at least one rehearsal, which will take place on a selection of Fridays and Saturdays in January/February/March (t.b.c.).

3.)The purchase of fabric and the production of our costume tops etc. will generate costs. We are currently trying to source a cost effective supplier from the region. To make a participation possible for everyone, the costumes can be either bought or self-made. If you participate actively in the preparations for the event, you are able to “earn” a costume for yourself without having to pay for it. From a financial point of view, we are currently in favour of black trousers/shorts/leggings/skirts as leg-wear underneath the costume.

4.)On event day, 16 March 2019, the school will only provide drinking water. Apart from that, each family must cater for themselves. All participants will receive food and drink from the organisers after completion of the parade.

5.)On the day of the event, all participants can either go directly to the CTC, or meet at 

school and go to town together as a group. We are expected to gather at the “starting point” at about 17.30h, and will start walking at about 19.00h. The event should end around 22h. 

We are hoping that your participation and positive feedback will help us make the DSKarneval an integral part of the Cape Town Carnival next year, and for the years to come!

If you have any queries and suggestions or would like to help/participate in the organization of any of our working-groups „Creative Concept“, „Dance/Choreography“, „Music“ and „Costume Design and Production“ please contact us

Michael Walmroth ( /Thomas Kröner (

Or send us an email to


Family name: ___________________________________ Class: ____________ (by 26.10)

Our family is NOT interested in the DSK Karneval and will not be participating.

Our family would like to participate with (number) _____adults and ______ learners.

Please contact us by Cellphone No. ___________________________

(I would like to be part of the Whatsapp group)  

OR Email __________________________________

(we prefer to be contacted via email)

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