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Child Kidnappings in Cape Town

Author: Josua Wenzel

Alone in August, three female pupils were kidnapped in Cape Town! All the details and what these occurrences mean for us, you can find in this article!

It all started early in the month of August, when there was an attempted abduction and two girls in the District Six area were kidnapped on their way to school on August the 15th. The one girl was an 18-year-old pupil, while the second girl, was 11-years old. Apparently, the two girls were on their way to school, when they were drugged and abducted. It seems a white van was part of the abduction. One week after the abduction, the 18-year-old high school student was dropped off in Durbanville. The 11-year-old was also found.

On the 23rd of August there was yet another incident, again in the Southern Suburbs. A 9th grade pupil was kidnapped by men in a white BMW, on her way to school. The men pulled her into the car, where she allegedly was sexually assaulted. The men kept her in the car for hours before releasing her. The police were informed and the child was given medical and psychological care.

Sadly, kidnappings and abductions are themes, which we here about daily on the radio and on the television. What can one do about it? Are we DSK students in danger of being abducted on our way to school? In the “Wocheninfo” to the staff, which Herr Kirmse wrote on the 10th of September, our principal assures us, that the Tamboerskloof are is safe, due to its public surveillance and its effective neighbourhood watch systems.

Even though we might not be directly threatened, it is always best to be travelling in groups, while unsupervised and that one should remember to scream as loud as you can, should you be threatened by a stranger. Lastly, the DSK should be informed about any threatening situations that have occurred.


Wocheninfo/ Staff Info Nr. 29/2018; 20.9.2018; Alexander Kirmse

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